Caterpillar CAT diesel engine air starting system
Caterpillar CAT diesel engine using the air starting motor to rotate the Caterpillar diesel engine flywheel to make Caterpillar diesel engine starting.
Can be installed on either side Caterpillar on diesel engine Caterpillar CAT diesel engine air starting motor, air is often stored in a storage tank, tank volume will be decided Caterpillar diesel engine flywheel rotating time, filling the tank, the air must be maintained at 1720000 bar (250 lbs / inch ²).
For starting without load Caterpillar diesel, adjust the pressure of about 690000 bar (100 lbs / inch ²), the adjustment value even if the starting speed enough to start the convenience, and make the air starter motor in the air supply can rotate the flywheel run out of time before the most appropriate.
If Caterpillar diesel engine during starting must take the heavy load, air pressure adjusting valve opening degree need more, get enough speed to enable easy starting.
Air consumption directly related to velocity, turn to air pressure and transport Caterpillar diesel flying force. If necessary, Caterpillar for heavy diesel engine, in order to get the accurate starting speed, air pressure regulator opening up to 1030000 bar (150 lbs / inch ²), with the right amount of adjustment, can rotate the heavy load Caterpillar diesel like transport light load Caterpillar diesel engine as fast and as long as the air starter motor time.
If other supply air has the correct pressure and deposition, can use. In order to make the air starter motor has a good life, supply air should not be dirty and no water. The starting system should be used with SAE (American society of Automotive Engineers) 10 non oil purification [for the temperature at 0 ℃ (32 ℉) or diesel, the temperature at 0 ℃ (32 ℉) below the lubricator, the maximum pressure of 1030kpa kbar air starting motor (150 lbs / inch ²) pressure more high may cause safety problems.
Enter the relay from the air bottle air cutting (2), starter control cutting (4) received a relay of (2) in front of the pipeline. Until the starter control valve (2) after operation (2), the relay of the flow of air conduction. From the starter control valve (4) air into the small gear (8) of the piston (10), for starting. Acting on the piston (10) on the pressure of compressed air spring (11), forcing the gear (8) and the flywheel gear teeth, small gear in the gear state, the air can be through the addition of pipeline into the relay of (2), the air in the relay valve (2), open to the air starting the motor of the air supply pipe.
Air through the gas pot (3), the gas pot for storing lubricating oil starting motor air.
The air flow through the air inlet with lubricating oil (5) into the air motor, air pressure to push the rotor (7 solar term) in the leaves of (6), and then at the bottom of the air motor outlet, so that the gear (9) is connected with the rotation of the rotor, drive starter pinion (8), the rotation Caterpillar the flywheel of the diesel engine.
Caterpillar diesel engine running, the flywheel rotation than the starter pinion (8), in the small gear this condition (8) contraction, thus preventing motor, small gear (8) or flywheel gear damage.
Close the starter control cutting (4), air pressure and to the starter pinion (8) after the interruption of air flow, the piston spring (11) so that the small gear (8) contraction to in situ, relay cutting (2) close to the air starting motor air.