John Deere約翰迪爾強鹿柴油機拆卸和安裝曲軸正時輪的技術參數
IMPORTANT: Timing wheel is not reusable. If timingwheel is removed from crankshaft, anew timing wheel must be installed.
NOTE: Two-valve head engine shown, four-valve headengine is similar.
Remove Timing Wheel
1. Lock engine at No. 1 TDC.
2. Remove timing gear cover. (See REMOVE TIMINGGEAR COVER in Group 050.)
3. Clean crankshaft nose.
NOTE: Tapered nose crankshafts MUST have a threadprotector installed in nose before using puller toremove timing wheel.
4. Remove timing wheel (A) using standard puller asshown.
Install Timing Wheel
NOTE: All other drive gears MUST be installed beforeinstalling timing wheel.Ensure that the word “FRONT” (stamped on theface of the timing wheel) is facing out from theengine.
1. Slide timing wheel onto crankshaft nose with recessside toward timing gear cover. Be sure keyway (B) intiming wheel is properly aligned with Woodruff key (C).
2. Install tool adapter (D) into nose of crankshaft untiladapter seats in bottom of crankshaft. Use JDG954-2Adapter for straight nose crankshafts or JDG954-7 fortapered nose crankshafts.
3. Install JDG954-1 Installer (E) over adapter.
4. Tighten nut until timing wheel firmly seats against gearface.
5. Remove adapter and installer and install timing gearcover. (See INSTALL TIMING GEAR COVER in Group050.)